Friday 4 October 2019

How to Live a Purposeful Life After Retirement?

Retirement does not have to be the end of your life.In fact going by a popular advertisement shown on TV, life begins again at 60! Of course! The dynamics change, you may not have to be caught in the frenetic pace of life, the pace slackens but the journey is as invigorating as always, if not more

When kids live home to pursue their goals, you may feel listless and may even suffer from an empty nest syndrome. But then you have to need a purpose and direction in life if you do that you can have a great many things to look forward to.

Things to Do After Retirement - Spend Time in a Productive Fashion

Top Things to do To Bring Back the Purpose in Life

A few things to look forward to, for the older individuals which will help give them a sense of determination and meaning to their lives. 

Stay fit and healthy-
We know that the older you get, the chances increase of you capitulating to sickness and diseases but you can turn things around. Join a gym or just make efforts to stay active! It makes you fitter, stronger and more flexible and the endorphins, read happy hormones does the rest!

​Maintain a hobby- Remember the time, when you were kids and grown-ups kept asking you what are your hobbies? Well, looks like hobbies are still great ways to keep you interested in life. Take your pick from crocheting, dancing, gardening, golf, the list is endless!

Learn something new- You have “miles to go before you sleep.” This oft repeated line by Robert Frost holds true for you as well! Learn something which you always wanted to but never had the time to take up, something like dancing, or learning a new language or just spend the rest of your time travelling. You perhaps spent hours drooling over glossy magazines wondering when you will have the time to visit those exotic places. Well, now you have the time, so why not spend time travelling!

Volunteer- There are so many places in your city looking for volunteers, say a local food pantry or hospital or library who could do with your help! There is a great sense of inner joy and peace in helping others. Do not deprive yourself of these small but important pleasures.

Start playing some kind of games- Join a games community, you can meet up regularly with them and join them for a game of billiards, poker or anything. The company counts and you get to include loads of good conversations, spending quality time with like-minded people.

​Don’t worry -if you take time to get back into your old rhythm. Actually why should you try to be your old self! You are older, wiser and definitely more interesting as a person! Embrace this new you and live life king size.

Don’t worry if you take time to get back into your old rhythm. Actually why should you try to be your old self! You are older, wiser and definitely more interesting as a person! Embrace this new you and live life king size.

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