Tuesday 2 April 2019

Best Health Tips for Senior Citizens in Summer

As we age, the fickle weather and the changing seasons have some severe repercussions on our health, in fact, more than we are willing to admit. Instead of letting the changing seasons play spoilsport, you should be more mindful of the changes in your body. While everyone is susceptible to the whimsical seasons, senior citizens particularly face more health risks and their health needs to be carefully gauged and monitored, especially when the spring season gives way to summer.  Here are some handy health tips for seniors for the upcoming summer season.

Important Health Tips for seniors

The taxing summer months can make you feel fatigued and dehydrated. It is important to know about some important tips that will keep your immunity high and make you less prone to sickness. Evaluate the following tips and make sure you incorporate them into your daily life.

·         Stay hydrated- We hardly drink enough water, yes most of the time we forget to drink enough water whereas we need to drink at least eight or more glasses of water. Tea and coffee, juices don’t count, since caffeinated drinks are basically diuretics which can dehydrate you if you do not drink more water, which brings us to our next point.

·         Avoid caffeinated drinks and alcohol – Though you may feel tempted to drink more of cold beverages and tea to beat the heat, this dehydrates you faster than you pronounce drink. Yes, it is that bad for you, so steer clear of these drinks and just drink lots and lots of water, even when you do not feel thirsty. 

·         Dress right for the weather – Light, breathable fabrics such as cotton and linen keep you cool in the hot sultry months. Lighter colors reflect the sun whereas darker shades attract them, so choose pastel-hued shades, when it comes to choosing the color palette for your summer sartorial choices. 

·         Slather on some sunblock – The summer months are particularly harsh towards your skin, so whenever you venture out of the cool comforts of your home make sure you have your armor ready in the form of hats, sunglasses along with a high-SPF sunblock.

·         Stick to the indoors – Sometimes it is best to stay indoors and avoid going out and braving the relentless sun. The heat along with the humidity can take a toll on your health. 

·         Stay in temperature-controlled places – Stick to places that are air-conditioned well, if your home does not boast of one, you can simply go somewhere that has one, say a movie theatre or a shopping plaza. 

·         Do not stay outside in the sun for long hours – If you are waiting outside for transport services, do not do so as the extreme heat can prove to be detrimental to your health. Call a taxi or a transportation services in situations such as these.

·         More showers, please – The best way to lower your body temperature is by taking several cool showers. This provides ample relief during those hot and humid months.

·         Keep the temperature of your home cool – Use different techniques to lower the temperature of your home and maintain a cool 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Use curtains, Venetian blinds and things like these to block the heat and keep the temperature under control.

If you still end up with a heat stroke, try and recognize the symptoms first, this will help you take quick steps to ensure a faster recovery.  The signs of a heat stroke are as follows, high body temperatures, flushed face, splitting headaches, confusion, nausea, dizziness and rapid pulse. If you are aware of some of the above symptoms take immediate steps to avoid a health complication. 

Health Tips for Older Adults – Important Points to Keep in Mind

If you suffer from one or more of the below symptoms, you need to be more mindful of the changing weather conditions and take adequate steps to avoid health hazards.

  •   Poor circulation in older adults.
  •  Specific ailments or disorders such as issues with the kidney, lung, and heart that leads to fever and weakness.
  •  People suffering from hypertension or those who are on low salt diets.
  • People on specific medications such as diuretics, tranquilizers, sedatives and specific heart and blood pressure medications.
  • Being overweight or underweight.
  • Individuals drinking high amounts of alcohol.

The above-mentioned health tips for older adults can help senior citizens beat the summer heat and stay fit and healthy during the sweltering months. Enjoy the summer and stay cool and refreshed and yes don’t forget to take care of your health.

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